Conversation with NUKIMALO

So, what does AMIÉRwithlove mean?

“Originating from the french word AMI , the brand was just gonna be called AMIÉR at first but I looked at it and thought something’s missing. I couldn’t figure it yet but the next day I was reading my bible then came across the verse 1 Corinthians 16:14 ‘ do everything with love’ for the first time.

Then I swear the with love just hit me like thats it, thats the message I need to portray to the world through the clothes. I put the with love next to AMIÉR then thought yeah this is it, but I don’t do nothing without God confirming it , so literally that night man got in the secret place and told God if you want me to add the with love show me in my dreams.

And He did. AMIÉRwithlove was born ”

What inspired AMIÉRwithlove?

“Simple, its in the word - This was literally birthed in the secret place, all of this isn’t even me….Matthew 6:6-7, "When you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly" (Matthew 6:6-7)”

“Do Everything With Love”, What does it mean?

“I believe that you should do everything with love, literally everything whatever it is let it be done with love, thats what AMIÉRwithlove means its a message essentially”